I have always loved ladybugs!

While I find almost every other bug terrifying, the Ladybug is both cute AND harmless, making it the best bug ever. I've had a Ladybug stuffed animal (named Lovebug) that i've had for almost my whole life! This is where my family nickname "laylabug" and my site name "ladybug corner" comes from.In addition to ladybugs being the cutest bugs, they are also really helpful to gardens, because they eat harmful pests called "aphids". You can check out the ladybug links on the side bar to learn more!

The Orgin of "Ladybug"

The name, Ladybug, actually comes from old english. "Ladybird" is another name for a ladybug, and these little insects used to be called "The Lady's Bird", after Mary from the bible! Mary was often depicted wearing a red cloak in early art. The black dots on the backs of ladybugs were said to represent her Seven Joys and Seven Sorrows

Ladybugs in Pop Culture

Ladybugs have been a symbol of good luck for hundreds of years! Most of you have probably heard the "Ladybird,Ladybird" nursery rhyme, the one where the bug's house is on fire. Whats up with that? Anyways, Ladybird can also be an affectionate nickname for someone, and its the title of a really good movie too! One of the earliest ladybug memories I have is actually seeing the movie "A Bug's Life", where the ladybug has to remind everyone that he's actually a guy.