
This Site

My Thoughts: WolfStar and Otherwise

This is where I'll be posting my random thoughts that I would usually be bothering my friends with. Check for regular updates!

7/12/23: On taking a break

While I know that nobody follows this website, I still feel bad for not updating it for so long. I finished my yearly read-through of HP, and got busy with school, life, and health issues. While I stress again, that I KNOW nobody reads this website, it still feels like I was neglecting a part of myself. Several months ago I was diagnosed with a pretty large spinal tumor, causing me to quit my job as a high school teacher. Ever since I've been trying to spend as much time doing the things that I love. But recently, I've found that it is hard to enjoy anything anymore. I don't find joy from gaming,knitting, or reading nearly as much as I used to. I'm slowly trying to crawl out of that hole, but I know it will take time. I am going to try and update the website more often, and hopefully make some cool improvements now that I've learned javascript! I know that using a public website as basically your private journal is probably not a good idea, but it does feel good to put your thoughts out into the void of the internet, knowing that, while someone could read it, they almost certainly never will.

5/8/23: HBP and Movie thoughts

So just like I spend the entire time reading OotP screaming at Harry that he is wrong, HBP is a book where I spend the entire time screaming at everyone else that Harry is right. Through the years though, I've really come to terms with the ending of HBP and see it as directly necessary for the plot, whereas I find the ending of OotP completely UNECESSARY to MY plot of WOLFSTAR. Anyways, everytime I read HBP I think about how I can not, for the life of me, remember a single god damn thing from the movie. NOt one single scene. Except for this: You may be thinking, "doesn't this prompt you to go back and re-watch it?" Well, no. Maybe I will someday but I always considered HBP to be the lowest point of the film franchise. For example, its been about 10 years since I last watched OotP (maybe more), but I can remember it vividly.Out of all the films, PoA is my personal favorite, and not just for the WolfStar feels. The general mood of the movie serves the plot really well without getting too dark, and leaves me to wonder what could have been if Alfonso Cuaron had stayed on as director. This isn't to say that I don't care for all the later movies, I even think some of the adaptation changes made the story better. I will probably do a whole post on it later, but I'll mention my favorite change now: in GoF, I think that Neville giving Harry the gillyweed instead of Dobby makes much more sense and generally fits the story better! Anyways, perhaps I'll do a movie marathon re-watch this week and get back to you with some other thoughts.

5/4/23: More OoTP thoughts

I finished OotP today and I have more feelings than thoughts. I rememeber reading the ending the first time and feeling like Harry was acting really immature with his anger at Dumbledore. After going through being a teenager I understood it a lot more, and after being a high school teacher to loads of teenagers I understood even more. I no longer teach high school (I was worse than Trewlany), but I hate to say that it really gave me a deeper understanding of all of the actions of the characters. I still don't agree with Snape and Dumbledore on many things, but after teaching Hogwarts age students I completley understand everything.

Anyways I have been very depressed and hating that I feel a lot like Harry at the end of OotP. Given the chance, I would probably smash up all the silver instruments in Dumbledore's office right now. Alas, onto HBP

5/1/23: Thoughts on Oclumency & OoTP

As I've been re-reading (well, listening to book on tape) OotP, I've been thinking about everything that Dumbledore did wrong. I know Dumbledore-bashing has been sort of in-style for the past few years but I don't usually participate in any of it. Anyways, my thought was that if Dumbledore had taught Harry oclumency instead of Snape, then Sirius might still be alive.Just think about it.

Sadly, I just can't help but play the "what if" game every time I re-read the series. I scream in my mind for Snape not to enter the shrieking shack in PoA, I beg Harry not to touch the Tri-Wizard cup, and now I just wish sincerely that Dumbledore taught Harry oclumency so that he may have actually learned it. I know that in a few days I'll be at the department of mysteries scene and I may just skip ahead all the way until the beginning of HBP. Ugh.

Anyways, I love imagining what was happening with WolfStar during this OotP time, especially during the summer. I have a great fic for it if anyone is interested, and I'll be updating my site soon with a way to send me mail and ask questions and stuff :D

Why "WolfStar Apologist"?

Well, an "apologist" usually means someone who defends something controversial. I know this is like, not the most controversial pairing (looking at you, snarry), but I thought it was funny. Like religious apologists, I will defend the WolfStar ship to my death.

Send Me An Owl!

Do you agree/disagree with one or more of my Harry Potter Opinions? Do you want to tell me that my website is "cringe"? Or maybe just say hi? You can now check out my guestbook !! Its hosted on a third part site for now, but no worries, I will still dillegently keep up with its happenings ^-^